The Oklahoma News Forum

Welcome to the latest edition of the Frisco Gazette.... I hope that you can find your

way around a little easier and enjoy the newest pictures that I have posted.

I have also added links to all my other vacation specific web sites at the bottom
                        *****check out the newest link for our 2015 vacation*****

Check out some of my favorite links under the travel & links tab at the top of this

page..... 3-D web cam's really cool....


 DA BOYS!!!!!!

This is just one of my favorite pictures.....

...........This weeks Picture in a box.........

Click on the thumbnails to see a larger picture.

Turkeys in my backyard 2012  in 2 of the bottom pictures you can see her chicks

Couple of pictures from Christmas 2011


Quote of moment: "All there is to thinking" he said, "is seeing something noticeable which makes you see something you weren't noticing which makes you see something that isn't even visible."

                                                                                                                                Norman Maclean 


The links below will take you to my other web sites from previous vacations, feel free to take a trip down memory lane......

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