Welcome to the latest edition of the Frisco Gazette.... I hope that you can find your
way around a little easier and enjoy the newest pictures that I have posted.
I have also added links to all my other vacation specific web sites at the bottom*****check out the newest link for our 2015 vacation*****
Check out some of my favorite links under the travel & links tab at the top of this
page..... 3-D web cam's really cool....
DA BOYS!!!!!!
This is just one of my favorite pictures.....
Click on the thumbnails to see a larger picture.
Turkeys in my backyard 2012 in 2 of the bottom pictures you can see her chicks
Couple of pictures from Christmas 2011
Quote of moment: "All there is to thinking" he said, "is seeing something noticeable which makes you see something you weren't noticing which makes you see something that isn't even visible."
Norman Maclean